Monday, August 4, 2008

Tool of the day - Slydial

OK, so maybe using this tool makes you a tool, but I'm still going to post it. Who hasn't just wanted to go straight to VM when you're dialing someone you are actually trying to avoid? Corporate telephone systems are great for this - just go into your voicemail and then create a message and send it that way - no need to pray for that person to be on another call.

I get that we're bombarded with too much information and sometimes you just want to send a quick message. That's what email, and the cell phone the walkie-talkie and text functions are for IMHO. This technology was probably inevitable, but I say that we should just suck it up and have the conversation.

This is, of course, from someone who would leave the cell numbers of unwanted suitors in my phone for way past their expiration date, on the off chance that one of them would try to call me and I'd have to duck the call.

Slydial, via (and unrelated, but hilarious: Mom's cell phone photo appears as porn to family)